A wooden arm replaced the human arm, and torsion catapults resulted. These were fixed on cases and connected to a release mechanism. In time under Phillip of Macedonia, the bows were designed and built with springs made of tight bundles of sinews and ropes wrapped around two frames. As the demands of war increased through the centuries stronger, faster catapults were designed and built with enlarged, winch pull-back systems and bases to hold them. It was mounted on a case and rested on the belly of the one using the bow. The earliest known Greek catapult was known as a "belly bow. They were being built and used in the Mediterranean. Catapults are a known weapon in Nimrud, which is now known as Iraq and in the 4th century B.C. The more skilled men, were daily treated to meals at his table, gifts and encouragement as he visited the building yards daily. In Sicily, as early as 399B.C., Donysius, known as the tyrant of Syracuse, paid high wages to skilled craftsmen to build these weapons of war. In time designers and builders of catapults were given financial support of governments to build bigger and better catapults, to protect their cities and of course this strengthened the power of the kings and emperors. Some stone-throwers/catapults could throw a projectile three times heavier much further than 150 meters. For instance the Roman army possessed stone-throwers, which were capable of hurling a projectile weighing 27 kg up to 150 meters. The men who designed, built and used these instruments of war were among the top engineers of ancient times. Although, in ancient times there were not schools of technology, in which men could be educated as design and mechanical engineers. Prior to the discovery of gun powder catapults were the most powerful weapons of war. The history of the ancients is very interesting and we discover, within that history the many types of catapults used. The sling shot and the bow and arrow use the arm of the shooter as the throwing arm. The main difference between these and the ancient catapults used in war. The bow and arrows of the early Indians were also catapults.

One of the first catapults we become familiar with is the slinghost used by Samson, which we read about in the Bible.

Your project, I presume will not be a large catapult, which could be costly, but rather a model a model, which works just as any catapult is designed to work. Therefore, you will need some plans to follow and the proper materials to make your project successful. Since you asked about the parts of a catapult, I imagine you have chosen this as your science project.